Prescott Family Blog
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Elder Prescott update
Since these pictures were taken, Elder Prescott has been transferred & is no longer with Elder Huata nor is he in the same district with these other missionaries. I'm so thankful that he has served with some awesome young men so far. It is wonderful to see the change in him as he has learned to love so many different people. That alone is a witness of what the spirit of Jesus Christ can do for a person! I am so thankful for the members in Utah too - I can't tell you how many times I've received random texts with pictures of him & his companion. It brightens my day every time! Next time you have missionaries over, snap a picture of them & send it to their parents. It is a wonderful surprise & they will LOVE it! Most of all I am thankful for a son who is willing to leave home, his family, his friends, his band, his skateboard, a comfortable life & everything else to teach others of Jesus Christ & God's plan for us. It is truly amazing to see the transformation that is taking place in HIM as he searches for people to bring them a truth that will change THEIR lives.
Big Day
Friday, May 30, 2014
Bitter Sweet...
I can hardly believe they are all pretty much grown up and that they are choosing to do what is right, follow the commandments and stay close to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It makes us so happy! Who would have thought that these 4 goof balls would grow up to be such awesome young men?! I have loved them since before they were born & the love I have just continues to grow every day, every year. Never in my life did I think I was capable of love so deep & so unconditional. They truly make my life complete.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014
A wedding
December is a crazy enough month as it is in our family.... Not only do we have birthdays, anniversaries, and Christmas going on, but this year it got a little more busy with a wedding too! It was pretty exciting as Nate is the first of the grandkids to get married on the Prescott side of the family... And Alyssa is the first daughter to join our immediate family too! It was an exciting way to end the year.
If you'd like to see the wedding video go here:
I don't have any of the "official" pictures back yet, but here are a few from my camera phone. (Please excuse someone's head in these!)
If you'd like to see the wedding video go here:
I don't have any of the "official" pictures back yet, but here are a few from my camera phone. (Please excuse someone's head in these!)
Coming out of the temple.
Officially Mr. & Mrs. Nate Prescott
We gave the nieces & nephews bubbles to blow while we waited from the happy couple to come out of the temple. I'm pretty certain the bubbles made for some great pictures. Can't wait to see them!! It also kept the little ones entertained while we were waiting. Win/win.
Just some of the people waiting for the newlyweds to come out of the temple.....
Of course, it wouldn't be a Prescott event without some random goofy pictures. Had to take one of all the different socks!
Alyssa is such a good sport! She fits right in with these guys, we love her so much & are so very happy that she is apart of our family! LGP
Monday, January 6, 2014
November & December birthdays
November & December are pretty busy birthday months for our families: November started off with Dee Dee's birthday, within a week later it is David's birthday & exactly a week after that it is Jamey's birthday!
December started off with Simon's 19th birthday! Yikes, when did he get that old? (love that these 2 are best friends! Warms a mother's heart).
December started off with Simon's 19th birthday! Yikes, when did he get that old? (love that these 2 are best friends! Warms a mother's heart).
The middle of December is Kevin's birthday. Happy birthday Kevin!
Just after Christmas we celebrated Noah's birthday, still hard to believe that my baby is 17 now & in high school. Just yesterday all of the boys were in Elementary school.
Besides birthdays, Joy & Max celebrated their wedding anniversary!
Happy Anniversary you two love birds!!
Sunday, November 3, 2013
October Birthdays
October is the month we celebrate two of my favorite people's birthdays. My brothers Danny and Bill. They melt my heart. Danny and I are closest in age (he is 7 years older than I am). We were the only two living at home for most of my childhood memories. We fought like crazy, but we are still buddies. He by far had the hardest life of any one person I know. But we could always talk. Sometimes he didn't like the "little sister lectures" that he got, but he'd call back.
9 years ago he was brutally attacked and has traumatic brain injury. He remembers things from when we were kids, but nothing of his attack or the time period surrounding that part of his life. Which is great! He's happy, except when I tickle him. He really gets mad. But it's so fun to tease him! Unfair advantage, but you know what they say about payback!!
He thinks he's 30 years old. Yep, 7 years older. haha Mom and I had a great time visiting for him for his "30th birthday".
My other special brother is Bill. He was born with Cerebral Palsy. He's not real chatty. In fact, if you get 10 words out of the guy, you did pretty good! He's too cute. He just turned 62. Bill is my 2nd oldest brother. He loves dumping out birthday cards, opening presents, and going out to eat. Apparently he loves the Dodgers, too, cuz he took in a lot of Dodger loot tonight at his party.
Happy birthday to two of my big bros. I love you tons!!
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