Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Another Swimmer in the Family

Eric has decided that he wants to be a swimmer, too. Or at least check it out and see if that's what he wants to do. He started doing club swim a week and a half ago. Saturday was his first meet. It is so different than high school meets. Very non-competitive, and the age groups vary. They have an 8 and under group, 9-10, 11-12, and 13 and up. BTW, those little kids are just adorable! It's so funny to see them stop in the middle of the race to fix their goggles, or doing the wrong strokes, or jumping in at the wrong time. Super funny!! Here's a picture of him racing Saturday. So far he only races freestyle. He got two second places for his own events, and two first places for his relays. (They were the only team on one of the relays:)
Here's Eric getting ready for his last relay race. He thinks he likes it so far, and plans on getting ready for water polo next month. Club swim will help him get into shape so he's hopefully a little bit ahead of the other freshmen, or at least not behind!!


Rob n Katie' said...

I was wondering if he was going to follow his brothers. I think it is pretty great. go..go..go Eric

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

When I first read the title to this post (really fast), I thought it said another sister in the family. I thought, has polygamy come back? lol. Now I see it says "swimmer". Good luck to Eric on his swimming adventures.