Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Our Missionaries Have Returned

Saturday Joy & Max returned from a 2 year mission at the Washington DC Temple. It's been a long time, and a lot happened while they were gone. Joy got so emotional driving up when she saw everyone, that she couldn't drive. I think her glasses were fogging up!! So the guys pushed the car to the driveway. It was pretty funny. Here's Grandpa re-introducing himself to Wyatt

Grandpa meets Gracie for the first time. He took her to Joy, and there were more tears. Joy was afraid for awhile that she would miss the chance meet Gracie because of her health problems a few weeks ago. We are so glad that Gracie is doing great now after her surgery! It was a really hot day, so we came over to our house to bbq and swim. It was a pretty quiet event for a Prescott party, since Andrea was the only one in town from her family.
This is Jody, Brien's wife. That's something else J&M missed while away...another daughter-in-law.
Wyatt is always the life of the party. The kids all love him. He's really talkative, so he wouldn't let anyone ignore him if they tried!!
We all really missed Joy & Max, but are glad they are good examples to us all. Although, I must say, I am not anxious for them to leave again. (Yes, they're talking about it)
It was a nice day to spend together. When the Jamey and the boys all get off tour, we'll have to do it again.


Sandra said...

Your parents are wonderful. I already adore your Mom. I can see why you are such a wonderful family.

Carranza's said...

Glad to hear they are back, they look great and happy to be home. Hope to see them again sometime soon before they decide to leave on another mission.

The McNeil Family said...

It is good that they are home. Enjoy them while they are here. Wow I can't believe they are talking about another mission. They are truly someone I look up too. Max was our home teacher yr ago and we loved him.

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

Woo hoo!!! Joy & Max are back safe & sound. I could just picture Joy crying seeing all of you & her new grand daughter for the first time. And I'll bet it was a pretty low key party without the rest of Andrea's family. I know it was pretty boring at our 4th of July pool party without them. The pool still had water when everyone left. Tell Joy & Max I said "Hi" and that I'm glad they are home safe & sound. Hopefully I will get to see them before they decide to go on another mission.

Sarah said...

You better keep the blog going even though they are h ome, lol. I love your pool Dee Dee, how fun!