Friday, May 9, 2008

cleaning up...

For those of you familiar with our backyard you will be amazed with this transformation. The top picture is our backyard ATR (after the ramp) - it was pretty much a mess with weeds, old ramp & wood, as well as our trampoline that was slowly dying. The second picture is our backyard now (BTP) before the pool. Thanks to Kevin & his tractor for doing a lot of the hard work (thanks Kevin!!!). Last weekend left us feeling so good we could actually see the progress - unlike all the other times we have tried to clean up this yard... I know how the Prescott boys felt growing up weeding & re-weeding their hill in the backyard - until their parents got smart & took care of that with landscaping! I am hoping to do the same thing. (Pictures will follow as a work in progress). Anyway, we will be spending this weekend putting up our new pool! Yea, bring on the heat. Ha ha ha...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Holy cow!!! That's amazing! Keep the pictures coming :-)